Friday, 15 March 2024


Year 3/4 Blogpost 15.03.24

Dear Parents,

We hope you are enjoying our class pages in the newsletter! It is lovely to share pictures and work with you all.

Spelling Frame Week 10 
This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Rule 10 - Endings which sound like /sh/ and /zh/ (e.g. erosion, pension... etc.)

Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries. 

Turn on the Subtitles!

Turning on quality subtitles means your child will read a staggering number of words. Put them on and your child will read the equivalent number of words that are in all the Harry Potter books, all of the Lord of the Rings, all of the Chronicles of Narnia and everything Roald Dahl wrote, combined!

Research has shown that it can double the chance of your child leaving school as a proficient reader. You can turn them on for the whole family or most streaming services will now allow you to do it just for children’s profiles.

Perhaps, after all, there is a magic button…

Comic Relief
A reminder that this year we have set up a justgiving page as an additional way to donate to our Comic Relief collection so if you prefer, please use the link below to do so.  As always, thank you for your continued support in our teaching and learning about Children's Rights.

RRS A2:  Children's Rights apply to every child, everywhere, all of the time.


Calling all of you amazing mathematicians! 

You have been entered into the Sumdog Essex Competition. Taking place 15 March - 21st March

I will be monitoring how well each class is doing. The winning class will be announced in the school newsletter and will each receive 2 Dojo!

Let's show our Down Hall community what great mathematicians we are!

Good luck.

Mrs Hurley 👍

We are delighted to announce that we are running a number of
Maths workshops for adults. You can be a parent, grandparent,
carer, aunt or uncle - you are all welcome! Are you someone who
feels they need some support with maths? Perhaps your own
experience in school wasn’t a good one. Well fear not, we have the
solution to this!
Multiply courses are free and fully funded by Essex County Council as part of their Multiply Maths
Each course is 6 hours face-to-face in school. Each session will be between 1pm-3pm on the dates
EYFS 16th / 23rd / 30th April
KS1 18th / 25th April, 2nd May
KS2 10th / 17th / 24th May
Here is the link for you to register your interest.

Year 3/4  Homework Tasks - Due Thursday 21st March
Year 3
English - Page 82-83
Maths  - Page 

Year 4 
English - Page 82-83
Maths - Page 38-39

Must Do
  • Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. You will have taken your Reading Record home for your parents to comment on. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you are finished so that we can check them. Thank you.
  • Accelerated Reader - when you are finished your book your teacher can change it for you. As soon as you are ready you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
  • Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.
Can Do
  • Continue logging on to TTRSS and Sumdog-  your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
If you have any issues or questions, please come and see us at the end of the day - we would love to see you!

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards,
Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Greenfield & Miss Harvey

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