Dear Parents,
Wow! What an exciting week here at Down Hall. The Year 3/4 children have been learning all about fractions in maths. It is great to see how our times table programme is having an impact on our children's learning experiences. In English, the children have very much enjoyed creating their stories based on the ancient Chinese legend, Mulan.
Thank you so much to the parents who have been sending in clean egg shells. We will be using them as part of our science investigation about teeth next week.
Spelling Frame Week 9
This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Frame Week 9 Words with endings sounding like /ʒə/ or /tʃə/ (e.g. adventure, creature... etc.)
Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries.
World Book Day - Thursday 7th March
Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day at Down Hall! Our aim, as teachers, was to promote a love of reading and it was so lovely to see the children to bring in their favourite book to share in class with each other. It was also fantastic to see children and staff dressing up. Please see the school newsletter for more details. Miss Trunchbull AKA Mr Greenfield certainly caused a stir!
Comic Relief
As a Gold RRS school we are proud to be raising money to help children achieve their Rights within the UK and in the wider global community. This year we have set up a Justgiving page as an additional way to donate to our collection fund if preferred.
On the day children will be able to buy a red nose for £2, bring in some jokes or something funny to share in class and come to school in non-uniform for a donation of your choice. Thank you for helping us to teach your children about The Rights, and to learn that small actions together can make a big difference! We are looking forward to a fun Friday taking part in Comic Relief next week!
RRS Article 2: Children's Rights apply to every child, everywhere all of the time.
Year 3/4 Homework Tasks - Due Thursday 14th March
Year 3
Page 80-81
Page 32-33
Year 4
Page 84-85
Page 32-33
Must Do
- Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. You will have taken your Reading Record home for your parents to comment on. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you are finished so that we can check them. Thank you.
- Accelerated Reader - when you are finished your book your teacher can change it for you. As soon as you are ready you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
- Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.
- Continue logging on to TTRSS and Sumdog- your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
- Math's - Year 4 will be completing their statutory Multiplication Tables Check in June this year. To this end, please can you ensure your child is regularly accessing and practicing these at:
Have a great weekend!
Kind regards,
Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield & Miss Harvey
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