Friday 5 July 2024

Year 3/4 Blog 05.07.24

Happy Friday everyone! Please check the newsletter for class news, photos and important dates. Sadly, the weather gods were not kind to us this week and both sports day and the school fete were cancelled! Hopefully better luck next week.


Monday 8th July - KS2 District Sports Garons Park (am)

Tuesday 9th July – EYFS September 2024 Transition sessions 2.15-3.00pm

Thursday 11th July - Meet the Teacher (children are told about September classes/spend time with new teacher)

Thursday 11th July- Open School 3.45pm-5.30pm (parents can come in to look at children’s books/ meet September class teacher)

Monday 15th July - School Reports

Tuesday 16th July - Meet the Teacher (children spend time with new teacher)

Wednesday 17th July 6pm/Thursday 18th July 6pm - Year 6 Production

Friday 19th July - Meet the Teacher (children spend time with new teacher)

Friday 19th July - PTA Summer Disco

Monday 22nd July 1.45pm - Year 6 Leavers Assembly (for parents)

Tuesday 23rd July - Wellbeing Day (come to school wearing comfy clothing)

Tuesday 23rd July - Whole School Picnic Lunch on the field (parents welcome) 12.00pm-

1.00pm. School finishes at 1.00pm.


Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Greenfield & Miss Harvey

Friday 28 June 2024

 Year 3/4 Blog 28.06.24

Happy Friday everyone! Please check the newsletter for class news, photos, sports day news and important dates.

Next  2 weeks:

Friday 5th July - Sports Day 
Saturday 6th July - PTA School Fete
Thursday 6th July - Open School (3:45 - 5:30pm

If you missed our photos from the school trip, please click on this link: 
Natural History Museum Photos

Spelling Frame Rule 21
This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Rule 22
Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries. They will be tested at the end of every week on these spellings so PLEASE practise at home.

Year 3/4  Homework Tasks
Year 3
English - Pg 74+75
Maths - Pg  56+57

Year 4
English - Pg  74+75
Maths - Pg 60+61

Must Do
Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. Make sure you are reading and recording what you read in your reading record. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you have finished so that we can check them. Thank you. When you have finished your Accelerated Reader book you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.

Can Do
Continue logging on to TTRS and Sumdog-  your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
Homework challenge -
Complete a book review on your current Accelerated Reader book to share what you thought about it.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Greenfield & Miss Harvey

Friday 21 June 2024

Year 3/4 Blog 21.6.24

Year 3/4 Blog 21.06.24

Happy Friday everyone! Please make sure you rest up over the break. Please do read our newsletter for all our wonderful news!

Visit to Natural History Museum

We had a great time at the Natural History Museum on Monday. The children enjoyed walking around the museum and exploring the different artefacts and experiences that were available to us on the day. You can view the photos from the day on the link below:

Natural History Museum Photos

Spelling Frame Rule 21
This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Rule 21
Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries. They will be tested at the end of every week on these spellings so PLEASE practise at home.

Year 3/4  Homework Tasks
Year 3
English - Pg 90 +91 
Maths - Pg  54 

Year 4
English - Pg  94 + 95
Maths - Pg 64

Must Do
Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. Make sure you are reading and recording what you read in your reading record. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you have finished so that we can check them. Thank you. When you have finished your Accelerated Reader book you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.

Can Do
Continue logging on to TTRS and Sumdog-  your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
Homework challenge -
Research a country of your choosing that are competing in the Euros. What is the national flag? What is the capital city? What interesting facts can you find out? e.g. food, music, famous people etc

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Greenfield & Miss Harvey

Friday 14 June 2024

Year 3/4 Blog 14.06.24

 Year 3/4 Blog 14.06.24

Happy Friday everyone! Please make sure you rest up over the break. Please do read our newsletter for all our wonderful news!

Visit to Natural History Museum

On Monday 17th June we will be visiting the Natural History Museum in London. Please make sure your child arrives at school by no later than 8.10am. ALL gates will be open from 8-8.10am Children will be required to wear correct school uniform. Please ensure your child brings their packed lunch in a disposable bag and a disposable water bottle. We cannot take backpacks on the coach or into the museum due to restrictions. We aim to be back in school for 3.15pm - please check our school Facebook and Instagram for updates. Contact your child's teacher for any further details.

Spelling Frame Rule 20
This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Rule 20
Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries. They will be tested at the end of every week on these spellings so PLEASE practise at home.

Year 3/4  Homework Tasks
Year 3
English - P 6 + 7
Maths - Pg 68 + 69

Year 4
English - Pg 12 + 13
Maths - Pg 79 + 80

Must Do
Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. Make sure you are reading and recording what you read in your reading record. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you have finished so that we can check them. Thank you. When you have finished your Accelerated Reader book you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.

Can Do
Continue logging on to TTRS and Sumdog-  your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
Homework challenge - Select a topic to research and create a balanced argument e.g. Should Southgate leave as England manager if he doesn’t win the Euros?
Log on to the Natural History Museum website and have a browse through all the amazing exhibits we are going to be viewing.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Greenfield & Miss Harvey

Friday 7 June 2024


Year 3/4 Blog 07.06.24

Wow! What a rocking day we have had today! Details of what we got up to including a link to photos will be in the newsletter so please check it out!

The Book Fair is visiting Tuesday 18th to Friday 21st June

Book Fair Competitions

To be in with a chance to win a £5 voucher for the Book Fair, we are holding some competitions for you to enter.

There are 5 vouchers up for grabs so 5 competitions are running.

They are:

Competition 1: Everyone - Design a new wand and include a description explaining what it is made from.

Competition 2: EYFS/ KS1 - Design a new front cover for your favourite book.

Competition 3: KS2 -  Design a new front cover for your favourite book.

Competition 4: EYFS/ KS1 - Design a bookmark.

Competition 5: KS2 - The most words read on Accelerated Reader the week before (these will be checked by Miss Harvey in school).

These can be done on paper and given to Miss Harvey or you can even use Google Drive to create your entry digitally. You  can enter more than one competition as long as it is for your phase.

All competition entries to be in by Wednesday 12th June and the winner will be announced in assembly on Friday 14th June.

Winners will receive a certificate, £5 voucher for the book fair and their name will be entered to win a special prize at the end of the term.

The Book fair is running from Tuesday 18th to Friday 21st June and there is a 3 for 2 offer so please come along to support the school.

School Library The members of the school Book Club, 'Starbooks' have been making some fabulous bookmarks to sell to raise funds for our new library. These will be for sale throughout Book Fair week and prices range from 50p to £1.

Spelling Frame Rule 19
This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Rule 19
Your child has their login details glued into their reading records. They will be tested at the end of every week on these spellings so PLEASE practise at home.

Year 3/4  Homework Tasks
None this week

Must Do
Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. Make sure you are reading and recording what you read in your reading record. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you have finished so that we can check them. Thank you. When you have finished your Accelerated Reader book you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.

Can Do
Continue logging on to TTRS and Sumdog-  your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
Math's - Year 4 will be completing their statutory Multiplication Tables Check in June this year. To this end, please can you ensure your child is regularly accessing and practicing these at:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Greenfield & Miss Harvey

Friday 24 May 2024

Year 3/4 Blog 24.05.24

Happy Friday everyone! Please make sure you rest up over the break. Please do read our newsletter for all our wonderful news!

Essex Bioblitz

Need something to do to get you out and about over the half-term holiday?  Find details of Essex Bioblitz 2024 in this week's newsletter. Join in and you can help The Essex Wildlife Trust better understand the effects of climate change in our local environment, working towards Global Goal number 13; Climate Action.

RRS:  Every child has the right to clean water, nutritious food and a clean and safe environment.

Spelling Frame Rule 18
This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Rule 18
Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries. They will be tested at the end of every week on these spellings so PLEASE practise at home.

Year 3/4  Homework Tasks

Must Do
Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. Make sure you are reading and recording what you read in your reading record. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you have finished so that we can check them. Thank you. When you have finished your Accelerated Reader book you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.

Can Do
Continue logging on to TTRS and Sumdog-  your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
Math's - Year 4 will be completing their statutory Multiplication Tables Check in June this year. To this end, please can you ensure your child is regularly accessing and practicing these at:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Greenfield & Miss Harvey

Friday 17 May 2024

Year 3/4 Blogpost 17.05.24

Happy Friday everyone! This week has absolutely whizzed by and we cannot believe that next week is the last one before another set of holidays. Friday will see us participating in a well being day so stay tuned for some fab activities in Year 3 and 4!


Please remember to prepare for the weather with sunhats and sun cream as the weather warms up but be prepared for colder and rainier days with a coat! Also please ensure your child brings their Accelerated Reader book AND their reading record into school EVERY day. A book of their choice is also needed for our free reading times. This can include annuals, comics, newspapers and magazines, etc. as well as their choice of fiction and nonfiction books. 

Spelling Frame Rule 17
This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Rule 17
Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries. They will be tested at the end of every week on these spellings so PLEASE practise at home.

Year 3/4  Homework Tasks - Due Thursday
Year 3
English - Pages 94-95
Maths  - Pages 51
Year 4 
English - Pages 96-98
Maths - Pages 58-59

Must Do
Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. Make sure you are reading and recording what you read in your reading record. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you have finished so that we can check them. Thank you. When you have finished your Accelerated Reader book you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.

Can Do
Continue logging on to TTRS and Sumdog-  your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
Math's - Year 4 will be completing their statutory Multiplication Tables Check in June this year. To this end, please can you ensure your child is regularly accessing and practicing these at:
As an extra task, please can you either share via your class dojo or bring your favourite poem in to class to share with others. Extra Dojos for those who complete this extra task.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Greenfield & Miss Harvey