Dear Parents,
We hope that you had a lovely Easter break and that you and your children are settling back into the daily school routine. The children have come back in very calmly and well-rested. It looks like they are all eager to get on with their learning and they are enjoying being together once more.
This week's homework can also be found on Google Classroom
Below is a list of things that we would like you to complete for your homework. You need to complete the Must Do tasks and if you would like to challenge yourself some more, than you can complete the Can Do tasks.
Must Do
1. Practise your times tables. This can be done through TTRS or any other multiplication games.
2. Write a review of the chapter of a book that you are currently reading at home.
3. Practise 10 of your spelling words. Can you write them in sentences?
Can Do
Write a diary about something you did over the weekend. You can include photos if you like.
Please can you also make sure that your child is reading for at least 15 minutes every night. If you have read all the books in you house the local libraries are now open!
Looking ahead to our lessons next week, we will be continuing to work on using the bus stop method in Maths. We are pushing on to learning how to solve problems involving remainders. It is so very important that the children know their times tables off by heart as division is the inverse of multiplication. We need the children to be able to see the link for themselves.
In English we are continuing to plan and write our narrative story based on Moses. The children have found it interesting learning about the ten plagues and I can see it will dominate their storylines!
Have a lovely weekend and see you Monday.
Kind regards,
Mrs Hurley, Mr Greenfield & Mrs Hurley
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