Happy Friday everyone!
Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn Term. The children have had an exciting start to our new project 'The Romans'. They thoroughly enjoyed being Romans for the day and learned a lot about Roman soldiers and life as a Roman. If they haven't told you what the Romans used sponges for then be sure to ask! Please take a look at the news letter to see some photos capturing some of the activities they enjoyed.
Gentle Reminder
Please ensure that your children come to school with a coat every day especially now as the temperature is beginning to drop. We tend to go out at break and lunchtimes unless it is heavy rain. Also, please ensure your child is in the correct uniform every day, with a buttoned shirt and tie. - These MUST be named. We have a lot of lost property left over that can be checked through after school.
Spelling Frame Rule 7 - https://spellingframe.co.uk/
Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries. They will be tested at the end of every week on these spellings so PLEASE practise at home. These have been stuck in your child's little blue book. If your child did not have theirs in school, they were given the spelling list.
Year 3/4 Homework Tasks
Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important but we understand this is not always manageable. Make sure you are reading as much as you can - at least 3x a week and recording what you read in your child's reading record. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. When you have finished your Accelerated Reader book, you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level.
Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.
Can Do
Continue logging on to TTRS and Sumdog - your logins are stuck in the front cover of your reading records.
Have a lovely weekend.