Friday 27 September 2024

Year 3/4 Blog Daisy and Sunflower Classes


Year 3/4 Blog Daisy and Sunflower classes


Friday 27th September 2024    

Happy Friday! We've made it to  the end of another busy week. The children have all been working hard looking at instruction writing in English and Stone Age cave paintings in Art. On Tuesday, they also enjoyed  a Virtual School visit with author and wildlife photographer workshop with Hamza Yassin.  

We have seen lots of reading at home taking place so please make sure this is being done. When the children read their book, they can complete a quiz. Each week, the child who reads the most words will receive a ticket which goes in a jar. At the end of each half term, some are picked out to attend a Harry Potter tea party!

With the weather on the decline, can we ask that the children come to school with a coat every day. We tend to go out at break and lunchtimes unless it is heavy rain.

Spelling Frame Rule 3

This week we would like the children to focus on: Spelling Rule 3
Your child has their login details glued into their reading diaries. They will be tested at the end of every week on these spellings so PLEASE practise at home.

Times Tables
This week we are looking at the 10 x tables and the children will be tested and taking part in times table activities throughout the week.

Spelling and Times Table Books
The children will bring home a book with their weekly spellings and times table focus stuck in. Please initial these to say you have gone through them with your child. We will continue to practise these in class through testing and handwriting practice but extra practice at home is vital.

Year 3/4  Homework Tasks
Year 3
English - Pg 8 - Verbs
Maths - Pg 10 & 11 - Ordering & Comparing

Year 4
English - Pg 6 - Verbs
Maths - Pg 10 & 11 - Ordering & Comparing

Must Do
Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes everyday is super important. Make sure you are reading and recording what you read in your reading record. These will be collected by teachers and checked regularly. Please bring your homework books back to school when you have finished so that we can check them. Thank you. When you have finished your Accelerated Reader book you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3 100% scores to move up a level
Times table practice - Please log on to TTRS and complete your challenges.

Can Do
Continue logging on to TTRS and Sumdog-  your logins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.

Why not try following a set of instructions to make something or do something. Remember to take photos and share them with us - we'd love to see them!

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Devlin & Miss Harvey

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