Dear Parents/Caregivers,
We have had a lovely week in school and were very luck to watch the fantastic KS1 Christmas production and we will be watching Pearl and Quartz perform their Nativity next week,
Today, we visited Father Christmas' Grotto and did some Christmas Shopping so thank you to the PTA for organsing such great events for our children.
In maths, we have been consolidating our learning and in English we have written our own version of The Grinch. We will be completing our rainforest dioramas and Mola art in our last few days.
A reminder that as the cold weather is upon us that as well as coats it would be great to see the children wearing a hat, scarf and gloves to protect them from the chills.
Wednesday 20th December - EYFS Nativity 9:30AM
Wednesday 20th December - Last Day of term
Thursday 4th January 2024 - Non Pupil Day
Friday 5th January 2024 - Non Pupil Day
Monday 8th January 2024 - Return to school
Must Do:
Year 3/4 Homework Tasks - Due Wednesday 20th December
Homework Pages:
Year 3
English Pg 68+69 - Prefixes un-, dis- and mis-
Maths - Pg 30+31 - Solving Calculation Problems
Year 4
English Pg 68+69 - Prefixes dis- and mis-
Maths - Pg 30+31 - Solving Calculation Problems
- Reading: Remember 15-20 minutes at least 3 times a week is super important. Your Reading Records will be collected by teachers and checked from time to time. Please make sure you bring your book and your reading record in with you every day. As soon as you are ready, you can take a quiz at school. Remember that you need 3x 100% scores to move up a level.
- Times table practice - this week we are looking at 7s. Please practice these as we do in school.
- TTRS - Year 4 please can you log on and complete the MTC check and practise. Thank you.
- Continue logging on to TTRS, Sumdog - your log ins are stuck in the front cover of your Reading Records.
- Next term, our project is The Shang Dynasty so please spend some time looking at where this happened and who was involved. We will be looking deeper into the ancient events over the Spring term. This work can be done on paper or completed on Google Docs and shared with your teacher.
Have a great weekend!
Kind regards,
Mrs. Hurley, Miss Harvey and Mr. Greenfield
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