Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Year 3/4 Home Learning Tasks

Home Learning - Year 3/4

Dear Parents and Carers,
We appreciate this must be a stressful time for you and your families. We have put together some educational activities to help continue your child’s learning from home. Feel free to complete these online or on paper. We will not be sending paper copies home at this stage as we are very aware of how much paper this would involve. 
Please also check Google classroom for other activities. However, if you do require additional resources such as A3 paper, please don’t hesitate to ask.
On top of this, we have put together some folders for the children to access from this will be shared with each child when/if needed.

Many thanks
Year 3/4 Teachers

Here are a few ideas for you to choose from:

  • Watch Newsround every day. You could either write a daily diary entry or record it on an iPad.

  • TTRS and Sumdog
Children have their own individual logins for these. Please continue to practise your times tables.

  • Mathsframe - online interactive activities as well as printable sheets.
         Username: downhall
         Password: brooklyn

Here is a large list of websites that are suitable for all children as well as lots of learning activities.

  • Year 4 Maths
We are currently looking at Decimals then the Four Number Operations (+ - X and division)  Here a list of websites you could access to support learning. You dont need to print anything out, your child can just write on paper.

Four Number Operations - Please see Year 3/4 School Closure Pack. You could also Google topics below - Year 4.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in Key Stage 2: Year 4
        PARENTS Year 4 children need to add and subtract numbers with up to digits using column addition and subtraction.
          They will be able to recall multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12.
          They will learn to recognise factor pairs
          They will multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using      a formal written layout.
          They will solve problems using all four operations.

  • Year 3 Maths 
We are currently looking at Fractions so some revision of this would be beneficial and our next unit is focusing on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) mainly focusing on written methods. 
Please use mathsframe activities to practise these skills. 

  • Spellings
In the 3/4 School Closure pack is a list of the Year 3 and Year 4 spelling lists for children to look at and learn for Spring 2. These could be put into sentences and looked at, covered up and written down (LCWC)

  • Science
Or next lesson is to name and describe the function of parts of the digestive system

In the 3/4 School Closure Pack folder on Google Drive is a Google Slides presentation to go through and a digestive system labelling activity. Furthermore, children can create a Digestive System poster or video to explain what they have learnt.


  1. thank you for help macey

    1. You're welcome. Any questions, feel free to ask. Take care
